Theatro Paradiso

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Introducing the Flying Flowers Three! - a happy family of theater performers - acrobats - dancers - players! The stage is set for them and the show must go on! I imagine a place where flowers have souls, they grow and twist in their world, writhing from their ethereal and wistful beauty toward a passionate encounter with life, fulfilling at long last the desire to feel the embrace of another. These flowers have feelings, families, relationships and an adventurous spirit! This series explores the more anthropomorphic side of flowers as I imagine them to be. I hope you can experience some of the sentiment too. Love flowers and an illustrative spirit? Me too! These soft beautiful flowers are painted in serene colors that will grace any place in your home that needs a soft spot of color. $200.

  • Size: 8x10"
  • Media: Acrylic on wood panel
